Monday, August 16, 2010

WWE SummerSlam Results


Summerslam opened with a lot of pyro and fanfare. Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler and Matt Striker welcomed everyone to the show.

WWE Intercontinental champion Dolph Ziggler (with Vickie Guerrero) vs. Kofi Kingston

Kofi started out fast with a clothesline over the top but Guerrero pulled Dolph out of the way and Kingston crashed on a tope to the outside. Ziggler pounced on Kingston, beating him with punches before nailing a hangman's neckbreaker for a two count. Ziggler worked over Kingston on the match with a side chinlock as fans chanted for Kofi. Ziggler smothered Kingston against the ropes. Kingston fought back with several kicks and punches but was propelled into the buckles.

Ziggler nailed a running snapmare and scored several near falls. Ziggler locked in a rear chinlock and kept Kingston down on the mat. Ziggler went for several pinfall combinations but Kingston kept kicking up. Kingston began fighting his way off the mat. Kingston finally broke free and cleaned house on Dolph, then nailed the Boom Drop. Kingston nailed a high cross bodyblock off the middle turnbuckle but Ziggler rolled through and scored a two count.

Kingston caught Ziggler with a kick while he charged into the corner. Kofi nailed a chop off the top rope but missed Trouble in Paradise. Ziggler locked in the sleeper but the Nexus hit the ring and laid out Ziggler and Kingston alike.

No Contest.

Ziggler was clotheslined out of the ring while Kingston was left surrounded by the Nexus, who were obviously trying to take out any potential seventh member of Team WWE. Kingston tried to fight his way out but was quickly swarmed and overpowered by the Nexus.

They wrecked Kingston and Wade Barrett grabbed the ring mic. He said it was just a little taste of what the Nexus has in store for Team WWE. He said that Team WWE is searching for a seventh member but it isn't going to make a difference tonight. He said that they were so fragmented and self-important with their own egos, Team WWE couldn't get along to sign a birthday card, much less form a unit to take them out. Barrett said the Nexus are the most impressive force in the history of WWE. He told the entire company and the world, "You are either Nexus, or you are against us."

Backstage, Chris Jericho was with Miz. Jericho asked him if he saw what the Nexus just did. Jericho told Miz that as much as it pains him, they need him because he's the only man with the talent and the uniqueness to stand tall with Team WWE. Edge was also buttering him up, saying tonight shouldn't be about cashing in the Money in the Bank. Jericho said they are in Los Angeles and by joining Team WWE, he'll be big news, bigger than Avatar. Miz told them that he has a lot of things on his plate right now and he doesn't know if he wants to make the Nexus a priority. He walked off. Edge told Jericho Miz will "think about it."

WWE Divas champion Alicia Fox vs. Melina

Melina wore an awesome orange and yellow outfit to the ring. They locked up and Fox was forced into the ropes. Melina allowed for a clean break. They locked up again but Fox used a headlock takedown. Melina came back with a curb stomp and charged Fox in the corner. She draped Fox across the buckles and dropped two knees across it. Fox tried to act as if there was something wrong with her eye, then charged Melina. Melina caught her with a flap jack for a two count.

Melina charged Fox in the corner but hurt her knee. The ref asked her if she is OK and she wanted the match to continue. She ducked a Fox clothesline and kicked Fox out of the ring but was moving slow. She made her way to the apron outside but Fox pulled her into the ringpost. Fox tossed her back into the ring and locked on an armbar. Fox nailed several forearms but was caught with a rollup for a two count.

Melina was shoved into the ropes but came off with a dropkick. She nailed two knees into Fox's back, then drilled her with a variation of the stroke for the pin.

Your winner and new Divas champion, Melina!

Melina celebrated in the ring as Josh Mathews came into the ring for an interview. He asked her what it was like to come back a year after injury to win the championship. LayCool's music played and out came Michelle McCool and Layla El, insulting Melina. They said that they've defeated every Smackdown Diva so they wanted to come out and share in Melina's moment. McCool told the fans that this was a moment they wanted to capture since it was three champions in the ring at the same time. McCool said they needed to twitter this. Layla tried to pose with Melina, who shoved her off. McCool then tried to do it but Melina attacked her. LayCool laid out Melina. Alicia Fox, who was recovering in the corner, kicked Melina, but LayCool attacked her as well and threw her out of the ring. They tossed Melina to the floor. McCool kicked her in the face right in front of the announcers. LayCool celebrated and laughed as they walked out.

They plugged the Night of Champions PPV.

They showed Marlon Wayans at ringside and noted Michael Clark Duncan was also at the show.

The announcers began discussing the recent events in CM Punk's feud against The Big Show.

The Big Show vs. The Straightedge Society - Handicap Match

CM Punk wore his shirt announcing he broke Show's hand, which Matt Striker pointed out was an homage to Greg Valentine's feud with Wahoo McDaniel. Punk had a lot of new tattoos on his chest. Show had the cast on his hand cut off before the match. Show laid out Mercury and Gallows, then called for Punk to get in the ring. Punk held a meeting then sent the others to do his bidding. Show threw Gallows over the top, then slammed Mercury down. Mercury tried to grab Show from the outside but Show brought him in, pressed him overhead and tossed him onto Gallows on the outside.

Punk entered the ring and fans were chanting for him. Show thwarted Serena trying to distract him and chopped Punk. Punk went to the floor. Show followed and Punk kicked him. He tried to put Show's hand under the ring steps but Show fought him off. Show chopped Punk but hurt his bad hand. The Society worked over Show, three to one, on the floor. Back in the ring, Punk stomped on Show's hand. Mercury and Gallows swarmed over Show. Punk held Show's leg and instructed Gallows to splash him.

Show kicked off Punk as he charged in the corner. He shoulderblocked Gallows and Mercury down at the same time. Punk tried to come off with a springboard clothesline but Show grabbed him by the throat. Punk kicked him off and escaped. Show charged Punk in the corner but missed. Punk nailed a series of running knee lifts in the corner. Punk and Mercury hit a double bulldog out of the corner. Michael Cole called it a DDT. Show kicked up. Punk began focusing on the bad hand and continued beating him. Show got to his feet, lifting Punk on his shoulders. Mercury attacked but was grabbed in a Goozle. Gallows kicked Show, who fell backwards. Punk fell over the top to the floor.

Serena grabbed Punk and helped him towards the back. Show KO'd Gallows and chokeslammed Mercury for the pin.

Your winner, Big Show!

Backstage, Kane was standing next to an open casket. He told "his brother" that he promised to take Rey Mysterio and destroy him once and for all, then slam down the casket. Sheamus walked in. Kane asked him what he was doing there. Sheamus said the casket was too big for Rey but asked to borrow it for his match against Randy Orton. Sheamus said that he was going to drive Orton out of the WWE like St. Patrick drove the snakes out of Ireland. Kane told him no. Sheamus told him that was fine, but he was taking Kane's nickname since everyone says he's the "Real Big Red Machine". He told Kane that if he loses and goes on one of his psychotic rampages, to stay out of Sheamus way or he'll get dropped. Kane told Sheamus he liked him and that he had guts, but they would be spilled all over the place if Sheamus ever got in his way again.

The Miz came to the ring and asked the fans if they thought he should join Team WWE. The crowd popped but he told them he didn't care what they thought. He said that the word in the back is that he's the missing link to help bring Team WWE to victory. He said that John Cena and Bret Hart asked him to be on the team last week on Raw but today when Miz arrived, Cena got on his knees and begged Miz to join because he was wrong about Miz all the time and Miz was the only person who could save them. Miz claimed that each member of the Team kissed his rear end. Miz said he was a future WWE champion and Hall of Famer and everyone needs to know that, but he needs to get to the big decision. Miz put himself over huge saying tonight was bigger than the Lebron James' decision, taking a crap on the Los Angeles Lakers along the way. Miz was tremendous. He teased the answer forever and finally said he would join them. He said that when he was done, everyone will be talking about him, not the Nexus or Cena or anyone else. He said that everyone will be admitting that he's awesome when the match is over. He ripped on the fans for trying to do his catch phrase with him and told them to raise their hands if they have something to say. Great promo. The announcers played it up like the two sides were finally even.

WWE champ Sheamus vs. Randy Orton

They tied up and ended up in the corner. Sheamus tried to psyche out Orton. He did it a second time but Orton clocked him and stomped away at him in the corner. They went back and forth with Orton getting the better of the exchange. Orton clotheslined Sheamus over the top to the floor. He rammed Sheamus' face into the announcer's table, then clotheslined him over the barricade into the crowd. Orton worked over Sheamus with several punches but realized the referee was counting them out and pulled Sheamus back to the ring.

Orton drilled Sheamus with the Garvin Stomp as fans began chanting "RKO." Orton drilled Sheamus' throat into the bottom rope with a catapult. Sheamus went to the floor and was whipped into the barricade outside. Orton tried to whip Sheamus into the steps at ringside but it weas reversed and Orton went down grabbing at his arm and shoulder. Orton began selling his right arm. Orton rolled into the ring where Sheamus began stomping the hell out of him, then peppered him with right hands.

Sheamus cinched in a rear chinlock. Orton made a comeback and set up Orton for the hanging DDT off the ropes but Sheamus escaped and sent Orton to the floor. Sheamus began beating down Orton and nailed him with a clubbing shot for a two count. Sheamus worked over Orton's shoulder but Orton made a series of comebacks only to be nailed with the Polish Hammer, which they called the Irish Hammer. Sheamus went right back to the shoulder, trying to force a submission. It turned into a side chinlock and Orton fought his way to his feet. They began battling back and forth exchanging punches in the center of the ring. Orton nailed a big shot and then a snap powerslam.

Orton began teasing the RKO. He ducked a Sheamus charge in the corner, which saw Sheamus hit his shoulder on the cornerpost. Orton pulled him up to the top rope and nailed a superplex for a two count. Sheamus finally came back with an Uranage for a two count. Sheamus teased his throw kick but Orton ducked and Sheamus was crotched on the top rope. Sheamus went back to the floor. Sheamus returned to the ring. Orton went for the RKO but was shoved off. Orton hit the back of his head on the mat and Sheamus covered him for a two count.

Sheamus set up for the Irish Curse but Orton dropped down to his feet. Sheamus came back with the Throw Kick and covered Orton, but only garnered a two count. Sheamus looked like he didn't know what else he could do to take out Orton. He went to the floor and grabbed a chair. The referee and Sheamus got into a pulling fight over it and Sheamus ended up sending the referee out to the floor.

Your winner by DQ, Randy Orton!

Sheamus screamed at Orton to get up, brandishing the chair. Sheamus swung and missed. Orton kicked Sheamus in the nads and Sheamus crumbled to the mat. Orton grabbed the chair, then dropped it. He pulled Sheamus out to the floor and set up the announcing table. Orton looked like he had completely lost his mind. Orton tossed Sheamus onto the table and set up for an RKO. He smiled at Sheamus before snapping the move. The table didn't even budge.

WWE ran a trailer for Legendary. They showed one of the kids from the film and Dule Hill from the USA Network series Psych.

World champ Kane vs. Rey Mysterio

Kane brought a casket to ringside as he's promised to put Rey in it. Kane controlled Mysterio early but Rey snapped him with a dropkick to the knee. Kane fought off Rey and sent him shooting out to the floor. Kane went to follow but Mysterio jumped back into the ring. Kane was met with a sliding kick as he returned. Mysterio then hit a dive to the floor. Kane went back to the ring and knocked Rey off the ropes.

Matt Striker namechecked Angrus Scrimm when making a horror reference. Thumbs up! Kane picked up Rey for a suplex, then draped him across the top rope. Kane then kicked Rey off the ropes and back down to the floor. Kane tossed Rey back in and covered him, getting a two count. Kane seized Rey in a bearhug. Mysterio finally escaped and nailed a flying head scissors to set up a 619. Rey was killed with a clothesline and covered for a two count.

Kane sent Rey flying across the mat and out to the floor. Mysterio was grabbing his knee. Mysterio nailed a shoulderblock on Kane from the apron but was nailed back to the floor. Mysterio fought back and hit a tope from the top onto Kane, using his head like a spear into Kane. Mysterio made a comeback and nailed a tiltowhirl into a reverse DDT for the pin.

They said there was an "uncomfortable hush." After watching this show, what did they expect? Mysterio hit a tiltowhirl DDT. Kane kicked up and made a comeback. Kane opened the casket. Rey went for the 619 but Kane caught him and put him in the casket. Rey fought his way out of it. Kane caught Rey going for another 619 and goozled him. Rey broke free and hit another 619 for a two count. Kane clobbered Rey.

Kane scored the pin with a chokeslam.

Your winner and still WWE World champion, Kane!

Angle time.

Kane told Mysterio he was going to pay for what he did to the Undertaker with eternal suffering and darkness inside the casket. Kane opened the casket and there was no one inside. Rey kicked off Kane, who shut the casket. Kane chokeslammed Rey again and again. He opened the casket and there was the Undertaker, who sat up. It was the biggest pop of the night. Kane backed off and looked shocked. He smiled.

Undertaker got down in front of Rey and said "Before an eye for an eye, why did you do it Rey?" Rey swore that he didn't do it. Taker told him that he believed him but grabbed Rey by the throat. He then made the throat slash and turned to Kane. Taker grabbed Kane by the throat but Kane fought back and grabbed Taker as well. Kane overpowered Taker and tombstoned him. They played it up that Undertaker had lost some of his power and was weak from being in the vegetative state. Kane stood over the destroyed Undertaker as his pyro went off.

The Nexus vs. Team WWE

Team WWE all had separate entrances. Cena had a new purple shirt. Bret Hart wore a t-shirt featuring himself, Owen and Stu. Miz had the last entrance but John Cena took the mic and told Miz he was too late. Cena said that they realized how important the match was to WWE and they couldn't depend on someone who wanted to wait until Summerslam to make a decision. Cena then announced that the seventh member is Daniel Bryan. Matt Striker said "The American Dragon has arrived at Summerslam!"

All 14 brawled with the babyfaces clearing the ring. Danielson actually has a tan. Danielson and Darren Young opened the match. There was a big "Daniel Bryan" chant. Bryan controlled Young and kicked the crap out of him. Bryan caught Young in a guillotine choke, then turned it into a crossface and forced Young to tap out.

Darren Young has been eliminated.

Justin Gabriel hit the ring but Jericho tagged in and clobbered him. Jericho stomped him. R-Truth tagged in and whipped Gabiel into the corner. Gabriel reversed but Truth cartwheeled out of the way and nailed a big punch. Truth nailed a spinebuster for a two count. Morrison and Tarver tagged in. Morrison got the pin quickly with Starship Pain.

Michael Tarver has been eliminated. 7-5 Team WWE.

The Nexus regrouped at ringside.

Skip Sheffield used his power on Morrison. Morrison fought back but was caught with a big powerslam. Sheffield stalked Morrison and whipped him hard into the corner. The babyfaces rallied Morrison. Sheffield whipped Morrison again. Fans chanted for Bret. Morrison ate a suplex. Morrison finally came back with a series of rights, but as he rebounded off the ropes, Gabriel nailed him from behind. Sheffield killed Morrison with a lariay for the pin.

John Morrison has been eliminated. 6-5 Team WWE.

R-Truth hit the ring but soon met the same fate with a lariat.

R-Truth has been eliminated. 5-5 tie.

Jericho attacked Sheffield but soon was trapped in the Nexus' corner, getting worked over by the different members. Sheffield tagged out to Barrett, who locked on a submission. Jericho fought his way out and nailed a missile dropkick. Bret Hart tagged in and drilled heat Slater with a series of rights. He unloaded on Slater in the corner with a series of punches, then ran his face across the ropes. He whipped Slater into the ring, drilled him in the mid-section and dropped an elbow. Hart slammed Slater and dropped another elbow. Hart nailed an inverted atomic drop and another right hand. Hart went for the Sharpshooter and locked it in.

Slater tagged in Sheffield as Barrett tossed a chair into the ring. Hart grabbed the chair and nailed Sheffield. Hart was DQ'd.

Bret Hart was eliminated. 5-4, Nexus.

Jericho nailed the Codebreaker on Sheffield and tagged in Edge. Edge poised for the Spear and nailed it. Sheffield was pinned.

Skip Sheffield eliminated. 4-4 even.

Justin Gabriel hit the ring but was kicked in the face. Edge whipped him into the corner and drilled him with a shoulderblock. Edge tried to repeat but was caught with a rear elbow as he charged. Sheffield caught Edge with a reverse kick for a two count. Heath Slater tagged in and choked Edge against the middle rope. Edge was tossed to the floor. When he returned, Slater brought him over to the Nexus' corner. Barrett tagged in and tagged Edge with a series of rights. Barrett scored a two count with a backbreaker. Otunga tagged in but Edge fought him off and tagged Jericho.

Jericho fought off Otunga and nailed a springboard dropkick. He locked in the Walls of Jericho and Otunga tapped.

Otunga eliminated. 4-3 Team WWE.

Jericho attacked Slater and they battled outside the ring. Fans began chanting for Jericho. Jericho tossed Slater back into the ring and nailed a back elbow. Slater scored the pin on Jericho.

Jericho eliminated. 3-3 tied.

Edge and Cena argued over who was going to wrestle. Edge shoved Cena, who let him go. Slater rolled up Edge from behind and scored the pin.

Edge eliminated, 3-2 Nexus.

Edge nailed Cena off the apron. Jericho and Edge blamed Cena for everything and left. Michael Cole said he told everyone they needed Miz but now they are left with that twerp Daniel Bryan.

Nexus began beating the crap out of Cena as the crowd tried to rally him. Cena fought his way out of their corner but Barrett drilled him with a clothesline to cut him off. Cena tried to fight his way off and went for an FU but was overpowered. Fans began doing dueling chants for and against Cena. Barrett caught Cena coming off the ropes with a sideslam. Cena reversed a suplex but just as he was about to tag out to Bryan, Heath Slater cut him off.

Slater whipped Cena hard into the turnbuckles. Daniel Bryan finally made the hot tag and drilled Heath Slater with a big dropkick. He began kicking the hell out of Slater in the corner. Danielson did a backflip to escape Slater in the corner, hit a leaping forearm and finally a tope to the floor. Bryan tossed Slater back into the ring as fans chanted for him. Bryan hit a missile dropkick but missed a roundhouse kick. Slater rolled up Danielson, who kicked out and turned him into a crossface for a submisson.

Slater eliminated, 2-2 even.

Bryan dared the Nexus to hit the ring. Miz hit the ring with the Money in the Bank briefcase and drilled Bryan from behind. Barrett scored the pin.

2-1 Nexus.

They said Miz was mad that he was replaced on the team. They didn't bring up the NXT rivalry.

Gabriel hit a running knee in the corner on Cena. Cena hit a series of shoulderblocks. He nailed Gabriel with the five knuckle shuffle. Barrett tagged in blind as Cena went for the FU. Barrett nailed him and began stomping and punching Cena. Barrett hit a running boot on Cena, who went through the ropes to the floor. Barrett and Gabriel began removing the mats from around ringside. Barrett DDT'd Cena on the exposed floor.

Cena was rolled back into the ring. Barrett tagged in Gabriel, who went to the ropes for the 450 splash. Cena rolled out of the way and covered Gabriel for the pin.

1-1 Even.

Barrett attacked Cena, who locked him in the STF. Barrett finally tapped.

Your winners, Team WWE!

Cena smiled as they went off the air.

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