Friday, August 6, 2010

8 - 5 Superstars Results


We start off this week’s show with the Smackdown brand and your announcers are Matt Striker and Todd Grisham.

Match Number One: Tiffany versus Layla with Michelle McCool in a Non Title Match

They lock up and Layla with a waist lock but Tiffany escapes. Layla messes with Tiffany’s attire and Tiffany with a sunset flip for a near fall. Tiffany with arm drag and Layla goes into the corner. Tiffany works on the arm with a wrist lock but Layla reverses. Tiffany rolls through and reverses and puts Layla in a hammer lock. Tiffany with a side head lock and shoulder tackle but Layla goes to the floor. Tiffany goes after Layla and pushes Michelle out of the way. While the referee wasn’t looking Michelle kicks Tiffany in the hamstring.

Layla puts Tiffany’s leg in the ropes and works further on it. Tiffany with a forearm across the chest and she gets out of the ropes and she kicks Layla. Layla with another kick to the leg and then she slams the hamstring onto the apron. Tiffany kicks Layla away but Layla clips Tiffany and hits a spinning leg drop into an Indian Death Lock. Layla releases the hold and gets a rollup for a near fall. Tiffany with kicks to Layla followed by forearms. Tiffany pushes Layla into the corner and hits a clothesline in the corner followed by a bulldog for a near fall. Tiffany with a suplex and she gets another near fall. Layla misses a knee in the corner and Tiffany goes to the turnbuckles but misses a cross body. Layla with the neck breaker for the three count.

Winner: Layla

It is time to take a look back at the Kissing Contest from NXT.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Two: Curt Hawkins and Vance Archer versus Trent Barreta and Caylen Croft

Hawkins and Trent start things off and Hawkins backs Trent into the corner and Curt with a clean break. They lock up again and Trent with a break but Curt with a kick and side head lock. Curt with a shoulder tackle and then he slaps Trent after Trent kips up. Trent with punches and a European uppercut. Caylen tags in and they hit a double back elbow and Caylen with a leg drop for a near fall. Curt runs Caylen into the corner and Vance is tagged in and he connects with a forearm across the back. Caylen with a drop kick that staggers Vance. Vance runs through a double clothesline but they hit a double dorp kick to the knees. Trent with a drop kick while Caylen holds him. Caylen tags back in and he hits an elbow from the turnbuckles. Archer with an Irish whip but he runs into a boot. Caylen goes to the turnbuckles but Archer knocks Croft off the turnbuckles with a punch. We go to commercial.

We are back and Hawkins with knees to Croft’s back and he gets a near fall. Hawkins with a reverse chin lock on Croft. We see footage from the commercial break when Croft was sent into the ringside barrier. We are back to the action in the ring and we see Hawkins connect with a slam and he gets a near fall. Archer tags in and Hawkins trips Croft and Archer with a kick to the head for a near fall. Archer with a reverse chin lock on Croft. Croft with punches but Archer with a forearm. Croft with a float over but Archer with an overhead belly-to-belly throw for a near fall. Archer with kicks to the chest and he tags Hawkins back into the match.

Hawkins with a snap mare and a knee to the back before he locks in the rear chin lock. Croft sends Hawkins into the turnbuckles to escape the hold. Trent tags in and he hits an elbow on Archer on the apron before connects with forearms to Hawkins. Curt with kick but Trent with a clothesline to Hawkins and then he hits a springboard drop kick to the back for a near fall. All four men get into the ring and Archer goes over the top rope to the floor. Croft tries for a pescado but Archer moves. Trent with a rollup and Archer makes the blind tag and connects with the big boot. Archer with the inverted DDT and he tags Hawkins in for the elbow drop from the top turnbuckle for the three count.

Winners: Vance Archer and Curt Hawkins

After the match, Archer gets on the mic and then Hawkins tells the Hart Dynasty that they have already gate crashed Smackdown time and time again. He says that Hawkins and Archer want gold. If they won’t come to them, they will find Smith and Kidd.

It is time for the trailer from Legendary.

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time for the Raw portion of the show and your announcers are Jerry Lawler and Michael Cole.

Cole and Lawler talk about the Miz and his quest for the title. It is time for the Raw Rebound.

We run through the card for SummerSlam.

Match Number Three: Evan Bourne versus Zack Ryder

Ryder gets on the turnbuckles and woo woo woos. Bourne wants him to come off the buckles. They lock up and Ryder backs Bourne into the turnbuckles and he kicks Bourne. Ryder with a knee across Bourne’s throat. Bourne with kicks to Ryder followed by a drop toe hold and drop kick to the head for a near fall. Bourne with a kick to the leg but Ryder with a knee and then he sends Bourne into the turnbuckles. Ryder with a kick to Bourne and then he sends him into the turnbuckles again. Ryder chokes Bourne and then he slaps Bourne. Bourne with a side kick but Ryder with a clothesline for a near fall.

Ryder stands over Bourne and then he drops a knee into the back and kicks Bourne in the head. Ryder with a forearm to the head followed by a knee. Bourne with an elbow and kick followed by a drop kick. Bourne with a head scissors take down followed by a drop kick and clothesline that sends Ryder to the apron. Bourne with a drop kick that sends Ryder to the floor. Ryder punches Bourne on the apron but Bourne with a kick that sends Ryder to the floor. Bourne goes up top and misses a cross body when Ryder moves out of the way and Bourne hits the ringside barrier.

We are back and Ryder with a reverse chin lock on Bourne. Bourne gets back to his feet but Ryder uses his size advantage to keep Bourne down. Bourne gets to his feet but Ryder with a back heel trip and gets a near fall. Bourne with a sunset flip for a near fall but Ryder responds with a swinging neck breaker for a near fall. Ryder returns to the reverse chin lock. Bourne with elbows and a kick but Ryder with forearms and kicks. Ryder with the running boot across the face.

Ryder gets a near fall and then he returns to the reverse chin lock one more time. Bourne with a kick and enzuigiri. Bourne with an inside cradle for a near fall. Bourne with kicks to the chest and a spinning heel kick. Bourne with a jumping spin kick and the modified cannonball for a near fall. Bourne tries to go up top but Ryder grabs his leg. Ryder with Sky High and then Ryder goes up top but Bourne with a back fist to Ryder. Bourne with a back body drop off the turnbuckle and then he hits the shooting star press for the three count.

Winner: Evan Bourne

We go to credits.

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