Wednesday, August 18, 2010

8 - 20 SmackDown *Spoilers*

SmackDown (Airing Friday):

* They show opened with a hype video about Kane giving his explanation for taking out The Undertaker from later in the show. Rey Mysterio comes out to the ring thanking the fans and saying he’s relieved that his name was cleared. He’s interrupted by Alberto Del Rio, who came to the ring and started insulting Rey. Rey slaps Del Rio, then hit the 619. Del Rio just looked and smiled at Rey as he went to the back. The main event was then announced as Del Rio in his in-ring debut taking on Mysterio.

* A vignette for “Dashing” Cody Rhodes’ grooming tips aired.

* Kofi Kingston b. Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler w/Vickie Guerrero via in a non-title match when Vickie interfered. After the match, Vickie taunted Kofi to hit her, but Dolph attacks him from behind. Dolph beat down Kofi, applying a sleeper hold and stomping his head against the mat.

* LayCool cut a promo backstage dissing Melina as the new Divas Champion, setting up there segment on next week’s RAW. Hornswoggle was in the background spying on them.

* The Straight-Edge Society, minus CM Punk, comes out. Joey Mercury, Luke Gallows and Serena are complaining about Punk leaving them behind at SummerSlam as he enters the frame. Punk says he left so they could prove themselves as strong individuals. He says he is going to test them starting with Serena and Gallows, who if they don’t beat their opponents Big Show and Kelly Kelly up next, they would be kicked out of the SES.

* Luke Gallows & Serena w/The Straight-Edge Society b. Big Show & Kelly Kelly after Serena hit a gutbuster on Kelly for the win. After the match, Punk entered the ring with a pleased look on his face as he hugged Serena and congratulated Gallows.

* Kane came out to give his explanation of attacking The Undertaker, citing this has been a 15-year plan of his to take out his brother. Kane goes on to say more disturbing things about planning the attack, basically saying he’s glad he did what he did.

* Christian b. Drew McIntryre with a roll-up with “Dashing” Cody Rhodes on commentary. After the match, Cody gets in the ring as he and Drew start beating down on Christian. Matt Hardy tries to come out for the save, but he was destroyed right away and left lying.

* Jack Swagger comes out for a segment with MVP. The two go back and forth the entire time. In the end, Swagger challenges MVP to a match next week with the stipulation being if he wins, he gets to host his own version of the VIP Lounge. MVP accepts.

* Kane is backstage in Teddy Long’s office. Long tells Kane that he has it on good authority The Undertaker will make his long awaited return to SmackDown on next week’s show. Kane says that it would be hell on earth for his brother come next week.

* Alberto Del Rio comes out for his match with his own introduction from his personal Spanish ring announcer. Mysterio is out next.

* Alberto Del Rio b. Rey Mysterio via submission with an arm bar. The match was back and forth throughout with tons of offense from both men. Mysterio at one point nearly won with the 619, but Del Rio countered it. After the match, Del Rio made his way up the ramp with a shot of Mysterio in the ring as the show ends.

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