Friday, July 23, 2010

07-23-10 Smackdown Results

Dark Match: Alberto Del Rio b. Kaval.

Smackdown opens with the new World Heavyweight Champion Kane who cuts a promo about winning Money in the Bank this past Sunday and cashing in the briefcase on Rey Mysterio the same night. Kane pumps the crowd about becoming the new Champion.

It is then announced that Jack Swagger will take on Rey Mysterio in a two out of three falls match later tonight to determine the new number one contender for the World Title.

"Dashing" Cody Rhodes & Drew McIntyre b. Christian & Matt Hardy after a miss-communication between Christian and Hardy. After the match, they exchange a handshake and a hug.

Jack Swagger cuts a promo backstage about facing Rey Mysterio later tonight in a two out of three falls match. He says he'll beat Mysterio and then make sure Kane is in the hospital after SummerSlam. * Rey Mysterio vs. Jack Swagger in a number one contenders match is announced for SummerSlam.*

LayCool is backstage with Teddy Long talking about Money in the Bank, Kelly Kelly and Tiffany. It's then announced that Layla will defend the Womens Championship next week against Tiffany.

Dolph Ziggler w/Vickie Guerrero b. Kofi Kingston w/Michael McGillicutty with a sleeper hold. Then Big Show b. the Masked SES Member w/the rest of the Straight-Edge Society. The match originally had Gallows face Show, but the masked man replaced him. Big Show unmasks him to reveal that it was Joey Mercury. Show then puts the mask on and then choke-slammed Mercury for the pin.

A pre-recorded segment featuring grooming tips from "Dashing" Cody Rhodes is shown. Rey Mysterio is backstage for a promo hyping the number one contender's match.

An Alberto Del Rio video segment is shown.

Rey Mysterio b. Jack Swagger in a #1 contender two out of three falls match. Mysterio wins the first fall via DQ when Swagger fails to release an ankle lock despite Rey having the ropes. Swagger wins the second fall with the ankle lock when he caught Rey's legs when he was attempting the 619. Rey gets the deciding fall with a roll-up. Rey Mysterio will face Kane for the World Heavyweight Championship at SummerSlam. After the match Swagger attacks Rey but Kane comes out and connects with a choke-slam. Kane goes back into the ring to attack Rey but gets a 619. Rey leaves Kane in the ring to end this week's edition of SmackDown.

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